Trellis House

Trellis House
Washington, DC
Industry: Luxury Residential
319 Unit, Market Rate, High End Apartments.
85 Apartments Dedicated to Howard University Facility and/or Student Housing with Howard University Oversight/Acceptance during Construction.
Two (2) Levels, Below Grade, Structured Parking
Lot Line-to-Lot Line Construction - Shaw District Washington, DC.
SCM provided construction phase construction management/Owner's representative service for the 319 unit, 138 structured parking, market rate apartment building in northwest Washington D.C.
SCM expedited all building permits, utility approvals/service connections, as well as attended twice monthly Owner progress review meetings, monitored construction activities; conformance to plans and specification; anticipation/estimating/documentation/resolution of change orders; review/approval of monthly construction applications for payment; and daily interfacing with owner, architect, engineer and general contractor to maintain Project Schedule and Cost Requirements.
Size: 248,975 GSF
Construction Cost: $56 Million
Architect: Niles Bolton Architects